"Best-Of" Lists

There are hundreds of washing machines out and sorting through them can be time consuming so try out these machines picked by professional curators. Washing machines are made by at least two and sometimes more people. When you post a move it is good manners to give credit to all people involved. You can usually find the whole story by reading the text included with the post.  

Best of Lists Index

Best Washing Machines

These are the best washing machines around in Jacob's humble opinion.

Jacob's Fav Easier

Jacob's Fav Medium

Jacob's Fav Harder

Jacob's Fav Cocreations

Best Symmetrical Machines

Symmetrical Washing machines cause the flyer to move in figure 8s rather than in only a circle.

Best Symmetrical Machines Cocreated with Jacob



Really Really Long

Best Group Machines

Jacob's Favorite Group Machines

Best Group Machine Cocreations

Cocreated with Jacob




Chris Cox Fav Machines

Katrina Repman Fav Machines

Fadi Hamdan Fav Machines

Debbie's Fav Machines

Debbie's Fav Cocreations

Chris Thorton's Fav Machines

Michael O'Reilly Fav Machines

Lennert and Yvonne Fav Machines

Yair's Fav Machines

Yair Fav Cocreations

Ivo's Fav Machines

Ivo's Fav Cocreations

Nick LaFleur's Fav Machines

Nick LaFleur's Fav Cocreations

Manus Sahoo Fav Machines

Manus Sahoo Fav Cocreations

Sam Courts Fav Machines

Sam Courts Fav Cocreations

Alex Mohr Favs

Alex Mohr's Fav Cocreations

Dan & Lori's Fav Machines

Dan & Lori's Fav Cocreations

Cristo's Fav 5

Cristo's Fav Cocreations

Jeremy's Fav 5 Machines

Lopez Raquel Fav Machines

Raquel Hernandez-Cruz Favs

Levi's Favs

Cat Hamilton's Favs

Cat Hamilton's Cocreations

Sexy Washing Machines